CBSE Issues Strict Warning: Two-Year Ban for Exam Violations | Prohibited Items, Dress Code and Rules

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Aparna Das

Updated on Jan 29, 2025 11:08

CBSE has issued a strong warning to students ahead of the 2025 Class X and XII Board examinations, emphasizing zero tolerance for exam malpractice. Students caught cheating or using electronic devices will face severe consequences, including a two-year ban from all CBSE exams.

Kolkata: CBSE is gearing up to conduct examinations for approximately 44 lakh students across 204 subjects, commencing on February 15, 2025. The board has emphasized a zero-tolerance policy for unfair means (UFM), with students caught cheating or using electronic devices facing severe consequences, including a two-year ban from future CBSE exams.


Direct Link: CBSE 2025 Official Notification for the Rules and Regulations (Out)


Impersonation, violence, and sharing CBSE exam-related materials on social media will result in severe penalties. This strict measure aims to ensure a fair and transparent examination process for all students.

What are the Rules Released by the CBSE Board?

The new rules regarding the CBSE examinees are given below:

Possession of Unauthorized Materials:

  • Possession of previous year's question papers or notes: Leads to immediate cancellation of the current exam. Students may be allowed to appear in the compartment examination.
  • Communication with anyone outside the exam hall: Whether verbal or written, results in the cancellation of the current exam.

Serious Violations: Malpractices and Electronic Device Use:

  • Use of electronic devices (phones, smartwatches, etc.): Results in the cancellation of both the current and the next year's exams.
  • Acts of violence, threats to staff, or forcibly entering/exiting the exam center: Also fall under this category with severe penalties.

Strict Measures for Fraudulent Behaviors:

  • Impersonation: Leads to the cancellation of current and future exams for up to three years and the requirement to reappear in all subjects.
  • Sharing exam-related materials on social media or soliciting unfair advantages: Considered the most serious offense, resulting in a potential three-year ban from all CBSE exams.

Improper Conduct and Unauthorized Items:

  • Using obscene language, including currency notes in answer sheets: May result in penalties, counselling by the UFM Committee, and forfeiture of currency notes.
  • Using ink or pencils other than blue or black: May result in penalties, including a warning or further examination of conduct.

What are the Rules the CBSE Students Should Follow?

  • Student Education: Schools are mandated to conduct comprehensive briefings for students on the UFM rules and the associated penalties. Students should also be advised to disregard rumors and refrain from disseminating any false information that could disrupt the exam process.
  • Parental Involvement: Principals are required to ensure that parents are also informed about the UFM rules and their consequences. This collaborative approach aims to ensure both students and parents are fully aware of the expectations and responsibilities.
  • Pre-Examination Reminders: On the day of the exam, students should be reminded to refrain from bringing any prohibited items to the examination center. Schools are also advised to conduct a thorough briefing of the officials on duty, emphasizing the critical importance of adhering to all examination rules.

What is the List of the Permitted Items, Prohibited Items and Dress Code the CBSE students should follow?

The individual lists are stated below:

List of Permitted Items in CBSE Exam:

  • Admit Card & School Identity Card (for regular students)
  • Admit Card & Any Government Issued Photo Identity Proof (for private students)
  • Stationery items:
    • Transparent pouch
    • Geometry/Pencil box
    • Blue/Royal Blue ink/ballpoint/gel pen
    • Scale
    • Writing pad
    • Eraser
  • Analogue watch
  • Transparent water bottle
  • Metro card, bus pass, money

List of Barred Items in CBSE Exam:

  • Stationery items such as textual material (printed or written), pens, calculators, log tables, electronic pens/scanners, etc.
  • Communication devices: Mobile phones, Bluetooth, earphones, microphones, pagers, smart watches, cameras.
  • Personal items: Wallets, sunglasses, handbags, pouches, and any eatables (except for diabetic students).
  • Any items that could be used for unfair purposes.

Dress Code for the CBSE Students:

  • Regular Students: School Uniform
  • Private Students: Light Clothes

What will be the Penalties for those Who will Broke the CBSE Rules?

The penalties are stated below:

  • Prohibited Materials: Exam cancellation in the subject, may appear in compartment exam.
  • Communication: Exam cancellation in the subject.
  • Electronic Devices: Exam cancellation for current and next year.
  • Violence/Threats: Exam cancellation for current and next year, disciplinary action.
  • Impersonation/Fraud: Exam cancellation for three years, barred from exams for three years.

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